The Soul Star Channel
Are you ready to live your life with more flow, positivity and purpose? The Soul Star Channel is here to empower you with simple, practical and soulful tips and tricks to live your best magical life. Join host Tiffany, who is a heart led entrepreneur and creator of Flow School, as she gives soulful, sparkly and sometimes sassy guidance on how to manifest, connect with your intuition and how to show up as the most beautiful version of yourself. + Oracle & Tarot Cards + Manifesting + Vision Boards + Crystals + Astrology + Positive Mindset + Meditations + Mindfulness + Affirmations
The Soul Star Channel
S4: E18 ~ Three Manifesting Tips I used to Manifest my New Beach Apartment
This episode takes you through my journey on buying my beach apartment, a milestone I once thought would never be attainable. Discover how I overcame financial hurdles and shifting my mindset to manifest this dream into reality. Through releasing control, taking one step at a time, and trusting in the process, I reveal the steps from finding the right broker to embracing opportunities and breaking through limiting beliefs about what homeownership meant for my lifestyle.
I have done a lot of work in the past year and I compiled everything I did into my new work book - "From Stuck to Sparkling" - available now. It's a toolkit of affirmations, journaling prompts, and meditative exercises aimed at helping women level up and find their authentic sparkle.
It's magical 7 steps that you can take at your own pace. They are the exact steps that have allowed me to manifest a huge career shift, lose 12 kgs, buy an apartment and manifest so much more abundance into my life.
Click HERE to get the workbook.
Website: www.flowschool.com.au
Insta: @flow.school
Facebook: Flow School
Email: info@flowschool.com.au
I hope you have a beautiful sparkly day.
Hello and welcome to season 4 of the Soul Star channel. It's Tiffany here, your sparkly soul sister, and this podcast is all about giving you practical and magical tools to manifest and live your best frickin life. It's time to gain more energy, more confidence and have strategies to flow through life's ups and downs, because we all know that it's not all rainbows and unicorns. Let's unlock your own power to show up with unwavering authenticity, radiant magnetism and a little bit of magic. Thank you for pushing play. Let's go. Hello, I am back. I have definitely taken a little break, but I hope that this episode will shine a little light on why. But I am so excited to be back and while I was taking my break, I am so happy to say that I reached 5,000 downloads and for this very small, non-advertised podcast, I am so happy that you have decided to push play and you come along this crazy little journey of me manifesting things in my life. So thank you so much for listening. And what? Yeah, it was such a beautiful thing to open up my podcast hosting website and see that the other day it was just so, so beautiful. But a lot of things have changed in the last couple months since I posted I think it was August 4th but, to be honest, the last year of my life oh, getting a little teary has been so transformative. I just think back of November last year it's October November. Last year I was like so deeply unhappy in so many different areas of my life in my relationship, in my career, and I had just really lost my fricking sparkle and I had just taken so many steps and have done the work to move through it and I feel so much better right now, like in the last 12 months. I have left my government job of 15 years and got my dream job at like a charity, like I still was a high school teacher, but it's just so much more rewarding and I finally what I've manifested is like working less and earning more. Thank you so much. So I've completely changed my jobs. I've lost about 12 kilos and feeling so amazing and I shared about my fitness journey a little bit on that last episode. So if you want to have a look at that but I'll do a little update soon because I'm just feeling so fricking good and done good and I have manifested my beautiful little beach apartment and this is what this episode is going to be all about, and I have manifested other things in this last year, but again, who I was and what I was doing a year ago is completely different. And you know I'm just about to turn 40, in about a week. Oh my God, big gulp. It's okay, pull my big girl panties up, that's fine. Um, and I just didn't want to go into 40 and like life is over. Then I think I'm now like pure, like evidence that you can like legit change and do anything that you want as long as you have that kind of belief in yourself. But this is what I've done, because I've gone through such a big, transformative year Like it's look.
Speaker 1:I'm coming on here like saying, like all these things that I've done, it has also been one of the hardest fricking years of my life. There have been many days where I have not even gotten out of bed. Many days where I have not even gotten out of bed. I have cried so much. I have done so much inner healing, like it's not even funny. I have just committed, though, of me going into this cocoon, going into all this self-care, doing the work, and I feel like it's really starting to pay off. So, even though all these things that I manifested like like you'd be like, wow, yeah, 10, 12 kilos and like a new job. But it was really hard work as well as in like like there were just some days that were hard. It wasn't all rainbows and unicorns and I really felt super stuck.
Speaker 1:Uh, this time last year and at times throughout this this year as well, and what I've done, cause I just went through like my process on how I got unstuck because it was really getting to me and I was like, am I ever going to feel good again?
Speaker 1:Am I ever going to feel like my truest self again? Am I ever going to feel sparkly again? And I went through this really dark night of the soul, I guess you can call it, and I sat down and I did all these like journaling activities. I kind of allocated like I'm not even joking like four to five hours and I went through like all these steps and I did all of these steps. I completed them all Like it's affirmations, a whole bunch of like journaling prompts, all these things, meditation. And I completed those steps on Saturday, the Sunday after, like one day, after 24 hours after I did this like deep, freaking healing steps. That's when that job popped up as like an advertisement so I could apply for it and I got. I had the job interview on the Monday and or on the Tuesday and then I got it on the Friday. So I really do think that these steps help me feel unstuck.
Speaker 1:But I have put them and like packaged them into this little workbook and I called it from stuck to sparkling, cause that's legit how I felt before I did these steps and then I actually feel so fricking sparkling right now. It's not even funny. So one night I just did all these, all these things and I wrote it all down and I was like another woman needs to do this. Another woman is sitting in her bed crying her eyes out, either heartbroken or stuck or feeling like shit, and she needs this. So I packed it all up, put an ebook called From Stuck to Sparkling and it's available now. I'll put the link in the show notes, but I am so freaking proud of it. It is such a beautiful piece of work.
Speaker 1:Now I did it all in one night because I'm crazy and I really needed to take some action. But you don't have to do it all in one night. You could do it over, like it's seven steps, so you could do like one step a day or one step a week or one step every couple days, or you can be like me and just do it all in one afternoon or something like that. It's really up to you. It's like a self-paced workbook with heaps of journaling prompts, heaps of like activities. There's a visualization meditation that comes with it, like it's really freaking comprehensive.
Speaker 1:My only thing is like if you don't even know what an affirmation is or you don't even know what manifesting is, I wouldn't get it. It's not for like an absolute beginner, but if you have kind of dabbled in a couple of things, like you know you've done a couple of workshops or you've you've done a couple of meditations, or if you already know all this stuff but you're like I just need to up-level and take it to like the next thing. This is for you, because it was absolutely transformed my life and, to be honest, out of the 12 kilos that I lost, most of it happened after I did this. The job happened, and now what I'm talking about in my episode here is about the apartment. Again, if you're interested in the little ebook, the link is in my bio Let me talk to you about how I manifested my awesome little beach apartment in the Gold Coast, and even me saying that is like it still doesn't sound real to me.
Speaker 1:Cause let me just back up just a little bit I never, ever, ever, thought that I would own my own place. I thought that one day that I would be like a homeowner, but maybe it's like um through, like a partner, or like we merged, like something, um, like I kind of knew, cause it's like something that you kind of do in your life is like you get a place. But I never thought that I would actually like have my own place and, to be honest, I've done this like all by myself. I don't have a partner, I don't have parents that have given me money, I don't have an inheritance, I don't have, like, yeah, any any of that. So all of this has come from my own, my own like life, and it makes me feel really, really proud and like brave and courageous in order to do this.
Speaker 1:And again, like I never thought that I courageous in order to do this, and again, like I never thought that I would be able to own my own place, it just wasn't something that I I don't know like finances and everything. They've always kind of been a struggle for me, like most of my life. So I've done a lot of money, mindset work in the last couple of years, but, you know, and I've manifested great monetary things, but an apartment is like whoa, that is so crazy. And I also had this belief that a mortgage meant that I won't be able to have any fun. And I still kind of think that. Like, I still kind of have that belief, but I'm just trying to like work through it instead of allowing it to take over my life.
Speaker 1:Anywho, and I also, I don't know like maybe the beginning of the year I had this like dream. It can't not a dream, but like maybe the beginning of the year I had this like dream. It kind of not a dream, but like when I was doing a meditation, I kind of visualized this thing out of nowhere, that I would get the keys to my new place on my birthday, which is November 4th, and I was like, oh my God, that is too soon, I don't know what I'm going to be doing. Like that is not going to happen and I will be getting the keys on November 8th. Uh, yay, okay, right now I'm just living in a granny flat at the back of someone's house right now in Broad Beach, because when I um left my partner at the beginning of the year, I was living in this house and obviously had to find another place. So I am yeah, it was um I absolutely like I manifested this place. There's another episode about that if you want to go and have a listen to it.
Speaker 1:But I obviously had this kind of drive to find a place this year, though Like I didn't really want to rent again because like it's so hard to get a rental, and I was like, okay, now I'm like almost 40. I kind of need to get my life together and I can't live in someone's granny flat until I'm like 60 years old. So I kind of put things in motion. So just I think it was in like February when I like moved into this granny flat. I was like so grateful for it.
Speaker 1:But I was like how the fuck am I going to get a place? How am I going to manifest an apartment that I'm going to pay for? Like I haven't even, like I don't even know if I can afford it. I don't have, I have zero savings. Like how am I going to get this?
Speaker 1:And then I had this huge like epiphany of like three kind of things, and these three things, um, what I'm going to talk about today. Hopefully you can use them in your life as well. But these three things are the theme through my whole process in manifesting this apartment, and the first one is take away the how, and I'll explain all these more in a second. But take away the how, take one step at a time and just trust the process. So I didn't know how I was going to do this. Like it seemed like it was going to take a miracle, like a Christmas miracle, for me to be able to get this apartment, and I was like one day I was like Tiffany, just take, take that away. Take away the how. It doesn't really matter how I get it, it's more about like just sending, setting that intention and just taking one step at a time, because I would think, okay, well, then I could get another job and I could like save up money this way. And I was like trying to think of all these things and it was like so overwhelming that I was like I'm just not going to worry about the how it will happen.
Speaker 1:Once I did that, I felt a lot better and a lot more calm, and then I went on to my next kind of step is like just taking one step at a time. I was like, what's the next thing? The next thing is not me just going to go look at places. That's insane. The next thing for me was to find a broker, and this is like finance Again, to me. It's not my thing. I don't really like maths, I don't like talking about money like to people and all that kind of stuff. So the next thing I need to do is find a broker.
Speaker 1:But you go online and everyone looks super fake and you hear all these stories of these like douchebag brokers and they're just out you for your money and I was like, ok, again, I don't know how, but I'm going to manifest a broker. I'm out with breakfast with my friend and one of her friends just pops by and she says like hey, how are you going? And she is a broker and she's super nice. She's kind of like my age and she just was so caring and nice that I actually contacted her a couple weeks later and asked if, if we could have like a chat and she was like, absolutely, and I just love that like organic, like way that I found her. Like it felt deeply, like held and such a beautiful thing, and I was like, okay, thank you, I beautiful thing. And I was like, okay, thank you. I didn't know how I was going to do it. If I, if I tried to control the how there and I looked up online and all that kind of stuff I probably would have found someone. But I felt I feel better doing the how, just like naturally going with it and trusting the process.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I had a broker, we had a couple of conversations and she's like you have to kind of get your ducks in order, yeah, just things that I needed to do. Like she gave me a little list of things and so I took a couple months and I just started taking off those things, just taking one step at a time and just kind of going with it. But one of those things is getting like a deposit and at that time I had like no money, yeah, right, but nothing like enough for a deposit and and I'm sure that you know this is very hard to save for a deposit, especially when you want to live your best life and go to Sydney and do all these like fun things as well. So, again, trusting the process and I was talking to a friend and he was like, when you work for the government, you make voluntary or personal contributions to your super. So the government pays and then you pay into your super. And I was like, oh, I don't think I've been doing that. And I looked it up and I had.
Speaker 1:For the last 14 years I had been making these voluntary payments into my super. I had no idea. And if you're a first home buyer, you can use that money like your voluntary thing, to like take it out and use it for a deposit. Oh my God, it's actually working out. So I had $31,000 while by doing this and now, like in hindsight, my deposit was exactly $31,000. Isn't that crazy? Like I was happy to pay a couple extra grand out of my savings or whatever, but like it's just so crazy how it all works out. So, look, that was a little bit of a Christmas miracle.
Speaker 1:But this past, uh, like Tiffany, who obviously ticked a box to voluntarily put super contributions in, like thank you, that was a little bit of a miracle. But again, I didn't know how I was going to do it, but I just trusted the process. So I found out I could do that. Oh, I don't know, maybe in, let's just say, may, and I calculated it and they're like you can have the $31,000. And you know what I was like nah, I can't do that. And for some reason it felt almost too good to be true and I actually talked myself out of it. Um, it wasn't only till recently, until September, where I was like, okay, yeah, I'm finally ready to take that money out. And it was a huge thing of me, like, well, I didn't really work for that. And my, my friends were like, yes, you did, this has come out of your paycheck and stuff and into this account. So it was actually a really big thing for me to be able to accept that money and when it came in it just felt so unreal.
Speaker 1:But there was the next step I had to worry about was getting my deposit, and I did that. Then I had to go through the pre-approval process, which, again, I don't like filling out forms, I don't like going to get things like signed by a GP, but I just like what's my next step? My next step is just go to the library, scan this document, go get it signed, go bring it back and, like you know, I just took one step at a time because it did feel very overwhelming to me and, yeah, there were times where I just wanted to kind of give up. So I got pre-approval and then I was like, okay, well, now I'm going to start looking for places now again, this took over like like eight months it wasn't just like me and this one weekend like that's insanity I made a list of what I was going to look for and I wrote down like a one or two bedroom apartment, like at least a 15 minute walk from the beach, with a car park, a pool, oh, I can't remember all the other things that I wrote down, but I just wrote down everything that was really important to me and at the bottom I said this or something better, to just make sure in case I wasn't thinking of something.
Speaker 1:Uh, I only actually looked at two places in all of this search and one of the places I went on, uh, the Friday and it was in my price range and it was such garbage and I almost started to get really emotional, cause I was like this is what I can afford and if this is what the place that I could get, like I'm just really scared. Like the building was really dodgy and like like there was dogs and stuff, like it was just really, really scary. So I was like, okay, the next place was a Saturday morning and it was like torrential rain and I went to it. I walked in with my friend because, again, I have no idea what I'm doing. So again, one of the next steps was like who's going to come with me to this open house? And I walked in. I was like, oh my God, this is it. And I just got so excited about it. It's in Bud's Beach Beach, which is like it's like a one minute walk from the beach, like legit, out my door, down the street, cross the little cross thing, and then I get there and it was like it's such a like a open, just a beach vibe, like it's so nice and it's like mostly remodeled, so it's like a brand new kitchen, brand new bathroom, which is I need, because I'm not like a renovator, I'm not to like paint, walls and stuff. I just want to move in.
Speaker 1:Then I made an offer and he accepted it right away, without any like back and forth, like that was super easy. And also like one of the things was like furniture. I don't own any furniture, like I have a chair and some like Ikea bookshelves, like that's it, so bookshelves, like that's it. So I was like, oh, I have to get all new furniture a washing machine, a fridge, a TV, like all these things. I don't have any of it. Like that really does add up. And the guy, the seller, just messages the real estate and says, does she want all my furniture as well, and maybe give me like a couple hundred bucks. And I was like, oh my gosh, it's so crazy.
Speaker 1:Again I didn't know how I was going to get furniture. And I was like, oh my god, it's so crazy. Again I didn't know how I was gonna get furniture. I was like just gonna go to JB Hi-Fi or whatever or go on marketplace. But then when I just relaxed into like I don't know how I'm gonna do this, but it's gonna work out, like it it really just did. And then you know when they're like here you can have like the pre-approval was like you can have a mortgage for this amount.
Speaker 1:Then I started doing my calculations of like how much I earn and all this stuff and how much it would be with the body corporate and the rates and the water and all that stuff, and I started to feel really overwhelmed because I was like, can I afford this and still have fun? Again? That's one of the stories that I have about you know these like having a mortgage and I was just really worried that I wouldn't be able to get still get massages and get my nails done and all that kind of stuff. And I said I was like I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I need about $400 more per paycheck just to have that fun. And I shit you not like that week because I work for a charity, you can salary sacrifice quite a bit of things and then it brings down your taxable income and then you take home more in your net. I know it doesn't. If that doesn't make sense to you, don't worry, it didn't make sense to me. But basically I got $374 more per paycheck by doing that and I was like, oh my God, like I just felt so deeply held in that moment, cause it's.
Speaker 1:I just was very specific. I just asked the universe and I was like I don't know how we're going to do it, but if you could do that, that would be great. I thought I would just have to do some more work for, like my side hustle, which I do like um, marketing stuff for like a dance studio, but it was so much easier to do it this way. So it's like funny how you, when you stop controlling things, how everything does kind of work out for you. But let me tell you about the finance, because everything else up to now seemed to go very smoothly, very demure, very mindful, but the finance part of it was absolutely soul crushing to me. So the bank that I got pre-approval from basically ghosted me. I don't know how else to explain it. They're definitely going to get a review after all of this is done and I had to go to a different bank. But then I had to extend my finance and then in doing so they put it back up on the market just in case, and then the real estate started harassing me. Then it just took the bank for ages, mostly because I'm a first home buyer.
Speaker 1:So that was a totally separate application to get that grant and it was just totally three and a half weeks of utter exhaustion for myself and I, honestly, there was one day, on the Thursday. I found it on the Friday that I got it On the Thursday. It really freaking, broke me completely, like I didn't. Oh, it was just so sad because all these other things had just worked out so well and I was like I don't care if it's not the place for me, but not having a decision, like they just wouldn't tell me either way, and it was just really really daunting my soul. And there was one day at school in the morning they asked for one more thing and I was like are you kidding me? Like you know another document to send through, and I was pretty good during the day with the kids.
Speaker 1:But then I just got to the end of the day and I just cried all the way home, got some ginger beer which, if you know me, I haven't really been drinking lately got some ginger beer, drank three ginger beer and watched love is blind and basically cried all night and was like why is this so hard? Like what is the life lesson? And the the days before this, because this went on for about four weeks, this finance dilemma and I was like what is the lesson in this? Like, and I would journal or meditate or like go for a walk, but I just got to the point where, like nothing was like working, so I just got drunk and love is blind, and the next day I got the approval. So I'm not saying just to get drunk and watch trash TV and that's how you're going to reach your goals, but sometimes it's just like kind of releasing and not trying to like sometimes you don't have to like meditate, sometimes you just got to like take care of your own soul in order for it to work. So I finally got my finance approved.
Speaker 1:I get the keys on November 8th and I am so excited with the mortgage now that I can like afford and still have fun in this, the cutest little beach apartment, and especially when I like move on and, you know, meet the love of my life and he already has a place. I can use this as an investment because it's in such it's on the tram line, it's right on the beach, like all of these things. And I'm really deeply so proud of myself Again. When I compare myself to this time last year, I was so broken and sad and really hopeless I guess would be another good word to explain it and I'm just so happy that like doing the work and like going through this process really allowed things to come true. And this is this I share exactly what I did in the last couple of months in this ebook or this like workbook Again, you can look in the show notes of the steps that I went through, the journaling activities, the affirmations that I've given myself and everything to really make this like really huge changes.
Speaker 1:And it's happened in so many areas of my life. It just really really freaking amazing and I really do believe that people can do it for themselves as well. Like there was a lot of hard lessons. I really did need to let go of that relationship in order for all of these beautiful things to come in. And was that really hard? Like absolutely. It was like, yeah, one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life. But I look back at this year and, oh, it's just been so transformative and, yeah, again, really proud of myself. So I'll just kind of summarize again the steps that I did to manifest something huge Like this isn't just me manifesting a hundred bucks so I can go get a pedicure. This is like me manifesting a freaking apartment, a house, a mortgage, like everything.
Speaker 1:So the first one was just take away the how. Take away the. You controlling how everything is going to be done. That only just interferes with things. You trying to figure out things, trying to manipulate things, trying to control things. That sometimes just doesn't work, especially with the big things. Just take away the how and like, let it transpire, and normally that kind of like helps ease your mindset as well. It's super overwhelming. It is like to go from living in a granny flat to an apartment like that I own, like that. That's a massive shift and that doesn't happen overnight. So just take the next most intelligent step, take the next like big step. At that time that is super key and it just allowed me to feel like what I can be in control of. I'm in control of just going and getting the pre-approval. I'm in control of, like, just downloading this thing or going and looking at a place or getting in the car to go do something. Like I can take those small steps and it actually makes me feel like I'm in control a little bit.
Speaker 1:And the last one is just to trust the process and that to know that the universe is guiding you in your right direction. And this is the hardest. One and again, three ginger beer in. I was not trusting the process. You know, like I was like fuck the process, but um, like there was this deepness in me that could. But sometimes we just have to realize that, yeah, it's, the life isn't trying to conspire against us and when we do have setbacks, when we do have things that are actually there like for a reason and I'm sure you can look back in your life and see the evidence of this actually like happening but, yeah, so I hope that maybe, if you're manifesting something, maybe you can just kind of take those three tips and hopefully they'll help you.
Speaker 1:And if you want something more tangible, again, that workbook is there for you. Yeah, I'm so excited for people to start manifesting big and beautiful things from doing those steps. And it's again, it's completely like self-guided. You don't have to do things at a certain time, and I give tips on how to be accountable through the whole process, because you don't want to just buy it and like just let it like sit in your inbox for ages, um, but yes, let me know if you have any questions about that. Yeah, I hope you enjoyed this episode. I am back making episodes and again, thank you so much for joining me on this journey and I hope you have a beautiful, sparkly day.